
Dental Hygiene Examination

We offer a variety of services including dental hygiene examinations. These are typically done every 3 to 6 months and are important for keeping up with your oral health. Consistent dental hygiene examinations help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay as we work with you to help keep your mouth healthy. During these checkups we will evaluate the health of your gums and perform an examination for any indications of oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies. Your bite, and movement of your lower jaw joints are also examined at this time, followed by a cleaning. During the cleaning we will remove plaque and tartar buildup which, if left unattended, can lead to gum disease. This is all a quick and painless process that will significantly increase your oral health.

Cancer Screening

This is included in the dental hygiene examination. The goal of oral cancer screening is to identify mouth cancer early when there is a greater chance for a cure.

Dental Scaling

This is done to remove dental plague and tartar which house bacteria and can lead to inflammation of the gum tissue.

Dental Polishing

Polishing is done to remove stains, plaque accumulation and increases the general aesthetics of your smile!

Fluoride Application

Fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay by making your teeth more resistant to attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars. Fluoride can also help to reverse early tooth decay.

Professional Teeth Whitening

We also offer professional teeth whitening. This is a fairly quick procedure that can take your smile up a few notches by returning it to it's natural white or a few shades up. Why not drop in and give it a shot?